siscone_spherical::CSphjet Class Reference real Jet information. More...
Collaboration diagram for siscone_spherical::CSphjet:
Detailed Descriptionreal Jet information. This class contains information for one single jet. That is, first, its momentum carrying information about its centre and pT, and second, its particle contents Definition at line 56 of file split_merge.h. Constructor & Destructor Documentation◆ CSphjet()
◆ ~CSphjet()
default dtor Definition at line 64 of file split_merge.cpp. Member Data Documentation◆ contents
particle contents (list of indices) Definition at line 67 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_protocones(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge_ptcomparison::get_difference(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::save_contents(), and siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::show(). ◆ E_tilde
sum of E_i [ 1 +|p_i x p_J|^2/(|p_i|^2 E_J^2)] Definition at line 65 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(), CSphjet(), and siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge_ptcomparison::operator()(). ◆ n
number of particles inside Definition at line 66 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_protocones(), CSphjet(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge_ptcomparison::get_difference(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::save_contents(), and siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::show(). ◆ pass
pass at which the jet has been found It starts at 0 (first pass), -1 means infinite rapidity (it will be initialised to "CJET_INEXISTENT_PASS" which should never appear after clustering) Definition at line 89 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by CSphjet(). ◆ range
covered range in eta-phi Definition at line 83 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_protocones(), and siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::show(). ◆ sm_var2
ordering variable used for ordering and overlap in the split–merge. This variable is automatically set either to E_tilde or E depending on the siscone parameter. Note that the default behaviour is E_tilde and that other choices may lead to infrared unsafe situations. Note: we use the square of the varible rather than the variable itself Note 2: for the overlap computation, we shall use the jet energy! Definition at line 80 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(), CSphjet(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::Cuser_scale_base::is_larger(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge_ptcomparison::operator()(), and siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::show(). ◆ v
jet momentum Definition at line 64 of file split_merge.h. Referenced by siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_hardest_protocone_to_jets(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::add_protocones(), CSphjet(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge_ptcomparison::get_difference(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge_ptcomparison::operator()(), siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::save_contents(), and siscone_spherical::CSphsplit_merge::show(). The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
The SISCone project has been developed by Gavin Salam and Gregory Soyez Documentation generated on Tue Jun 20 2023 18:08:37 for SISCone by Doxygen 1.9.4 |